Have you been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and don't know where to turn?

Do you want help and answers to your questions about what foods to eat and how to keep you and your baby healthy RIGHT NOW?

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

You just received the call from your doctor's office that you "failed" your gestational diabetes test. You're feeling...

shocked and wondering what you could have done to prevent this

blindsided by this diagnosis and worried that you've harmed your baby

nervous about the risk of diabetes for you and your baby in the future

Now what?

Your OB sends you home with a blood sugar meter and food list to follow. You are feeling unsupported.

The office dietitian can't see you for a few days, but you're anxious and your mind is already spinning with questions.

You're an absolute emotional mess and are having a hard time coming to grips with how your pregnancy has changed.

You turn to the internet for help with your diet, but feel you can't trust the information from health "experts".

The meal plans and lists that you find for diabetes look unappetizing and restrictive. You're thinking, "Well, what CAN I eat?"

You start dieting and checking your blood sugars, but quickly become overwhelmed.

Your fasting blood sugars are always above the recommended range.

You feel completely uninspired in the kitchen and start to dread mealtimes.

You're confused at the supermarket and don't know which products you should actually shop for.

You want to enjoy a cupcake at your baby shower, but are scared that it could hurt your baby.

Your pregnancy doesn't have to be this way, mama

Imagine if you could...

Get answers to your most pressing food and diet questions just MINUTES after your diagnosis

Be part of a community of other mamas-to-be to vent to and learn from

Have a dietitian in your back pocket to answer questions and support you

Worry less about every single blood sugar check

Not feel guilty about your food choices

Understand you are not a failure if you have to start medications

Feel comforted that you are an amazing mom doing everything you can for your baby


A groundbreaking program that helps you manage your gestational diabetes while enjoying all foods

In this self-paced program you will learn to...

  • Shift your mindset about your gestational diabetes diagnosis and what foods are "good" for blood sugars

  • Focus on eating whole foods

  • Understand the importance of exercise and self-care

  • Experiment, track, and understand your blood sugars- yes, even those pesky fasting values!

  • Think about your baby and the future

Gestational diabetes is more than just following a "diet". Successfully managing blood sugars starts with understanding that perfection doesn't exist, gaining confidence in making food decisions for yourself, and giving yourself grace.

Mama, you deserve to be supported, get accurate education and advice, and have a healthy pregnancy. You do not deserve to be dismissed, left in the dark, or fearful of complications.

The Sweet Mama Strategy is your roadmap to improving your nutrition and blood sugars so that you may have a healthy pregnancy, baby, and future.


gestational diabetes doesn't have to be so stressful.

Let's take a look inside

The Sweet Mama Strategy gives you...

  • Up to 4 months of access to all the program features

  • 24 video lessons that you can watch and/or listen to at your own pace

  • Downloadable food guides, shopping lists, and worksheets

  • A new recipe delivered to your inbox every week

  • Access to a private Facebook community where you can chat with other mamas going through the same thing

  • Education and support from a dietitian (me!) during monthly Zoom office hours

Sneak peek at the video lessons

We cover everything from your gestational diabetes diagnosis to delivery day, and touch on nutrition, exercise, self-care, blood sugar monitoring, medications, and postpartum considerations for you and baby.

  • 1


    • Welcome, Mama!

    • Terms of Service

    • Schedule a 1:1 consult with Casey

    • BEFORE YOU START- answer this one question

    • How to contact Casey

  • 2

    Module 1- Shift Your Mindset

    • Introduction and Lesson 1- Removing the blame and guilt

    • Lesson 2- Ditch the restrictive mentality

    • Lesson 3- How we talk about food

  • 3

    Module 2- Understanding Gestational Diabetes

    • Introduction and Lesson 1- What is GDM?

    • Lesson 2- Risks to me and baby

  • 4

    Module 3- Whole Food Nutrition for GDM

    • Introduction and Lesson 1- Focus on your plate

    • Lesson 2- Does it matter when I eat?

    • Lesson 3- All about carbs

    • Lesson 4- Powerful protein and fats

    • Lesson 5- Practical nutrition

    • Yogurt and milk download

    • Protein and fats list download

    • Carb Budgeting and Macronutrient Needs download

    • Fruit and blood sugars download

    • Healthy Pregnancy Plate download

  • 5

    Module 4- Nutrition Nitty Gritty

    • Introduction and Lesson 1- Reading nutrition labels

    • Lesson 2- Pregnancy Food Safety

    • Lesson 3- Food Preferences and Restrictions

    • Safe fish choices download

    • Snack Ideas

    • Brands Recommendations for Better Blood Sugars- a shopping list!

  • 6

    Module 5- Exercise and Self Care

    • Introduction and Lesson 1- Exercise and blood sugars

    • Lesson 2- Stress and blood sugars

    • Lesson 3- Sleep and blood sugars

    • Empowered Exercise worksheet

  • 7

    Module 6- Experiment, Track, and Learn About Your Blood Sugars

    • Introduction and Lesson 1- Mastering Fingersticks

    • Lesson 2- Blood Sugar Goals

    • Lesson 3- Understanding and learning from your blood sugars

    • BONUS: Mindfully Manage Your Gestational Diabetes download

    • Safe Sharps and Medication Disposal download

  • 8

    Module 7- When Medication Makes Sense

    • Introduction and Lesson 1- When you've tried everything

    • Lesson 2- Medication options

  • 9

    Module 8- Thinking About Your Baby and the Future

    • Introduction and Lesson 1- Your baby is coming!

    • Lesson 2- Postpartum monitoring

    • Lesson 3- Do I need to eat this way forever?

  • 10

    You did it, Mama!

    • Sweet Mama Strategy Survey

You CAN improve your blood sugars and eat your favorite foods.

Let's do this, mama.

Your Program Instructor

Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist and creator of The Sweet Mama Strategy

Casey Seiden

Casey Seiden MS, RD, CDN, CDCES is a registered dietitian and diabetes specialist with a passion for helping women find flexibility and freedom with food, even while managing gestational diabetes. My goal is to help you ditch the shame and guilt you may have felt when you were first diagnosed, understand your blood sugars from a mindful approach, and find realistic ways to eating delicious, balanced meals for your blood sugars. I want you to thrive in your pregnancy, and I know that this can be possible even with GDM! My aim is to help women shift their mindset about what they can control in regards to GDM, provide science-based education on how to better balance blood sugars, dispel myths surrounding GDM and prenatal nutrition, and support you in the kitchen to create meals that include ALL foods!

Program Investment

The Sweet Mama Strategy is an investment in your health today and the health of you and your baby for the future. Ready to feel more confident managing your gestational diabetes while enjoying all foods?

  • $150.00

    Wherever you are on your GDM journey, join for up to 4 months of access to all of the program features

    Join Now

Interested in more personalized attention?

I get it, mama. Sometimes you want to talk to a coach directly and have more reassurance. If you're someone who know you need a more personal touch, Casey offers a chance to upgrade your experience in the program.


  • Can I join if I don’t have a formal diagnosis of gestational diabetes yet?

    Absolutely! Perhaps you had GDM in your first pregnancy and are looking to build a solid nutrition foundation to avoid it this pregnancy or are hoping to arm yourself with more knowledge for if/when you do get diagnosed.

  • I received my gestational diabetes diagnosis a month ago, will this program still be helpful to me?

    Yes, I believe that there is always time to improve your nutrition and blood sugars. Plus, you might be feeling stressed out about your progress so far and this program can help to shift your mindset to a more positive and confident place!

  • What format is the content delivered in?

    The content is primarily video lessons that you have the ability to access upfront upon purchase of the program. Additional support features include downloadable food and shopping lists, a private Facebook community, and weekly recipes sent via email.

  • For how long do I have access to the program?

    Great question! While most women get diagnosed with GDM around weeks 26-28 of their pregnancy, some find out before then. To help reach as many women as possible during pregnancy, upon purchasing the program you will have instant access to all of the course features (online lessons, resources, and Facebook community) for up to 4 months, but Casey is happy to discuss supporting you for additional time as some of you may need.

  • Can I work with Casey privately too?

    It's possible! If you decide that as you are going through the program you want more help or reassurance you can book a private consult with Casey for an additional $200. Details about booking a 1:1 consult are inside the online program.

  • I’m vegetarian/vegan/dairy-free/gluten-free, does this program consider my dietary preferences?

    There is a special section of the program that goes over how to optimize blood sugars while managing diet preferences or restrictions.

  • I’m already on oral medication or insulin to help manage my gestational diabetes. Can Casey provide recommendations for dose adjustments or changes?

    No, Casey cannot provide individualized medical advice, but she can help you to brainstorm some questions regarding your medication therapies to discuss with your doctor. Casey is a trained Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (formerly known as a Certified Diabetes Educator).

  • I have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes that was diagnosed prior to pregnancy. Can I still join the program?

    Certainly! The nutrition principles and work around mindset would still be incredibly helpful to you

  • Are meal plans included?

    Here’s the deal, mama. A meal plan is usually the least helpful tool I could give you. Meal plans are not personalized, can feel restrictive, and not very sustainable. Instead, this program is going to help you learn nutrition principles and arm you with tools to create meals and dietary habits that match your likes, dislikes, and work with your individual blood sugars. Trust me, you’ll be MUCH more successful this way. But don't worry, there will be plenty of recipes headed your way!

Pregnancy doesn't stop

Take action TODAY to gain control of your gestational diabetes, start enjoying food again, and feel less stressed about your blood sugars